
Welcome to the Admissions process here at Tompkins Hall Childcare and Nursery School.  Our Early Decision and Regular Admissions cycle is between October and March of  each year.  The admissions process is made up of two important parts: 1. a Tour and 2. an Open House.  

We are beginning a new season of admissions starting October 12th.  Our regular season includes a tour and an open house.  We make our application available to you at the end of your tour.  

If you are need more information about off-cycle admissions, please email the office at: [email protected]


Centers cannot require parents to opt for early notification. If a qualifying family chooses to be included in the early notification process, applications must be received at our school office, including payment, by December 1st at 12noon.

Tompkins Hall will notify families of the school's decisions between December 8th, 2023 and no later than January 12th, 2024.

The Columbia University parent reply deadline is no later than 12noon on January 19th, 2024. There are no exceptions to this rule. 


Tuition Rates for 2023-2024and the 2024-2025 School Years are in the sidebar

Financial Aid

We use the TADS system in processing financial aid applications. We can only consider those applications listed in "fair" and "good" standing on the TADS system. Please indicate your intent to apply for financial aid on your paper application and via email to: [email protected].

Please keep in mind that due to limited resources, financial aid is not available to every financially qualified student who applies.

Calendar and Phasing-In

Our school year starts the week before Labor day and ends on the last Thursday in June. We have a  full 10 month school year and an optional 1-6 week summer program.  We generally follow the Columbia University calendar. 

A parent and/or caregiver must be available for the first two weeks of the school year to help your child with separation process. You will receive your family's phase-in schedule in your Welcome Packet, which is emailed in July.